Present Participles

In Latin, present participles usually function as adjectives, providing additional description or information about a noun. They are derived from the present stem of a verb and convey ongoing or simultaneous actions. When used as adjectives, present participles agree with the noun they modify in gender, number, and case.

To form a present participle as an adjective, follow these steps:

  1. Start with the present stem of the verb. For example, let's use the verb "amare" (to love) with the present stem "ama-".

  2. Add the appropriate ending to match the gender, number, and case of the noun.

Masculine endings

  • Nominative Singular: -ns

  • Genitive Singular: -ntis

  • Dative Singular: -nti

  • Accusative Singular: -ntem

  • Ablative Singular: -nte

Feminine endings

  • Nominative Singular: -ns

  • Genitive Singular: -ntis

  • Dative Singular: -nti

  • Accusative Singular: -ns

  • Ablative Singular: -nte

  • Nominative Plural: -ntes

  • Genitive Plural: -ntium

  • Dative Plural: -ntibus

  • Accusative Plural: -ntēs

  • Ablative Plural: -ntibus

  • Nominative Plural: -ntia

  • Genitive Plural: -ntium

  • Dative Plural: -ntibus

  • Accusative Plural: -ntia

  • Ablative Plural: -ntibus

  1. Puella legens librum magna est. (The girl reading a book is great.)

  2. Canis latrans ingens est. (The barking dog is huge.)

  3. Vir discens novam linguam calidus erat. (The man learning a new language was hot.)

  4. Agricola laborans in agrō puellum vocat. (The farmer working in the field calls the boy.)

In these sentences, the present participles (legens, latrans, discens, and laborans) function as adjectives and modify the nouns they are associated with. They provide additional descriptive information about the ongoing or simultaneous actions associated with the nouns in the sentence.

Neuter endings

  • Nominative Singular: -ns

  • Genitive Singular: -ntis

  • Dative Singular: -nti

  • Accusative Singular: -ntem

  • Ablative Singular: -nte

  • Nominative Plural: -ntēs

  • Genitive Plural: -ntium

  • Dative Plural: -ntibus

  • Accusative Plural: -ntēs

  • Ablative Plural: -ntibus